I have installed Joomal 1.0.13 and ARTIO JoomSEF v1.5.1 (other new versions dont work, I try it several times in my site).
When I go in component administration area of ARTIO JoomSEF and click to configure button I get this message at top:
ARTIO JoomSEF Configuration
How I to make that ARTIO JoomSEF Configuration be writable and that I can to change configuration of this component?
Now I when click on SAVE button in my window open button which ask me this:
Do you wish to purge automatically created urls?
And than, when I click to save, i get message that that action can to harm my computer and offer me to I open or save some file \"config[1].sef.php\" and when I click to save it nothing than happen!
Content of that file is this:
$alwaysUseLang = \"1\";
$enabled = \"0\";
$replacement = \"-\";
$pagerep = \"-\";
$stripthese = \",|~|!|@|%|^|*|(|)|+|<|>|:|;|{|}|[|]|---|--|..\";
$suffix = \".html\";
$addFile = \"index.php\";
$friendlytrim = \"-|.\";
$pagetext = \"%s\";
$langPlacement = \"0\";
$lowerCase = \"1\";
$showSection = \"0\";
$showCat = \"1\";
$useAlias = \"0\";
$excludeSource = \"0\";
$reappendSource = \"0\";
$appendNonSef = \"1\";
$transitSlash = \"1\";
$translateNames = \"1\";
$page404 = \"0\";
$record404 = \"0\";
$replacements = \"&#1087;&#1111;&#1029;?|A, &#1043;‚|A, &#1044;‚|A, &#1043;„|A, &#1044;†|C, &#1043;‡|C, &#1044;&#1034;|C, &#1044;&#1035;|D, &#1087;&#1111;&#1029;?|D, &#1043;‰|E, &#1087;&#1111;&#1029;?|E, &#1043;‹|E, &#1044;&#1113;|E, &#1043;&#1036;|I, &#1043;&#1035;|I, &#1044;&#8470;|L, &#1087;&#1111;&#1029;?|N, &#1045;‡|N, &#1043;“|O, &#1043;”|O, &#1087;&#1111;&#1029;?|O, &#1043;–|O, &#1045;”|R, &#1087;&#1111;&#1029;?|R, &#1045; |S, &#1045;&#1113;|O, &#1045;¤|T, &#1045;®|U, &#1043;&#1113;|U, &#1045;°|U, &#1043;&#1114;|U, &#1043;&#1116;|Y, &#1045;&#1029;|Z, &#1045;&#8470;|Z, &#1043;&#1038;|a, &#1043;&#1118;|a, &#1087;&#1111;&#1029;?|a, &#1043;¤|a, &#1044;‡|c, &#1043;§|c, &#1044;&#1036;|c, &#1044;&#1039;|d, &#1044;‘|d, &#1043;©|e, &#1044;™|e, &#1043;«|e, &#1044;›|e, &#1043;|i, &#1043;®|i, &#1044;&#1108;|l, &#1045;„|n, &#1087;&#1111;&#1029;?|n, &#1043;&#1110;|o, &#1043;&#1169;|o, &#1045;‘|o, &#1043;¶|o, &#1045;&#1038;|s, &#1045;›|s, &#1045;™|r, &#1045;•|r, &#1045;&#1168;|t, &#1045;&#1031;|u, &#1043;&#1108;|u, &#1045;±|u, &#1043;&#1112;|u, &#1043;&#1029;|y, &#1045;&#1109;|z, &#1045;&#1108;|z, &#1051;™|-, &#1043;&#1119;|ss, &#1044;„|A, &#1042;µ|u\";
$predefined = array(\"com_frontpage\",\"com_login\",\"com_newsfeeds\",\"com_sef\",\"com_weblinks\",\"com_joomfish\"«»);
$skip = array(\"com_poll\"«»);
$nocache = array();
$serverUpgradeURL = \"http://www.artio.cz/updates/joomsef/upgrade.zip\";
$serverNewVersionURL = \"http://www.artio.cz/updates/joomsef/version\";
Do anyone can to help me and to tell me what i to do to make this configuration option writable?
Thank you very much, Mladen