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JoomSEF 3 to JoomSEF 4 article ID issue
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TOPIC: JoomSEF 3 to JoomSEF 4 article ID issue

JoomSEF 3 to JoomSEF 4 article ID issue 12 years, 2 months ago #35342

I am just updating from Joomla 1.5 / JoomSEF 3 to Joomla 2.5 / JoomSEF 4 (which previously I had upgraded from v2 I believe). All seemed to go well except for the 'Interior Design > Kitchen' category of the website previously had ID #1 on Joomla 1.5 and can be seen here still running intact on Joomla 1.5/JoomSEF 3:

For some odd reason, after upgrading to Joomla 2.5 / JoomSEF 4, it seems to have changed to ID #32 and moved from /kitchen/ to /kitchen/interior-design/kitchen/ - this can be viewed here:

I've spent a couple of days trying to resolve this various ways, but the only way that I can make it work and keep the menu working and linked to the proper page seems to be:

1.) Delete the SEF URL entry for /kitchen/
2.) Rename the SEF URL for /kitchen/interior-design/kitchen/ to /kitchen/

I then have to go through and do this for the other 45 entries in the Kitchen category. My concern is what the long term implication will be as more posts are added to the Kitchen category. Will they still end up under ID #32 /kitchen/interior-design/kitchen/ ?

Another issue that doesn't really bother me (but could be related) is you will noticed the Pagnation (Page #'s) on the bottom of every 'Interior Design' category page are all linked weird on the Joomla 1.5 / JoomSEF 3 page. For example on the Kitchen page it is as follows: Page 1 = /kitchen/ Page 2 = 6.html Page 3 = 11.html Page 4 = 16.html Page 5 = 21.html Page 6 = 26.html Page 7 = 31.html Page 8 = /kitchen/blog/8.html

After upgrading these pages get changed to /kitchen/page-2 and so forth but only for the Kitchen section (now ID 32). Not sure if this is related but thought I would mention. Please advise what the best way to resolve this problem is. Thanks in advance!
Last Edit: 12 years, 2 months ago by extremesurf.
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Re: JoomSEF 3 to JoomSEF 4 article ID issue 12 years, 2 months ago #35347

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The URL like /kitchen/interior-design/kitchen/ is constructed by default in JoomSEF 4 like this: menu-name/category-name/article-name
You can change this behaviour in JoomSEF's Content extension parameters to reflect the setting in your JoomSEF 3, so your new SEF URLs will be created in the same way.

Regarding the pagination links, they're probably handled differently in new version of JoomSEF and because of your category ID being changed the URLs were recreated. You can update your pagination SEF URLs for other categories (using JoomSEF's URLs Manager) to reflect this. During an update the 301 redirects from old links will be automatically generated.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: JoomSEF 3 to JoomSEF 4 article ID issue 12 years, 1 month ago #35365

Regarding the /kitchen/interior-design/kitchen/ URLs: As far as I can see the Content Extension parameters are configured the same (I've attached links to screenshots below). Please let me know what needs to be changed and do I need to make these changes before importing the SEF URL's?

Version 1.5 / JoomSEF 2:

Version 2.5 / JoomSEF3:
Last Edit: 12 years, 1 month ago by extremesurf. Reason: attachments don't work
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Re: JoomSEF 3 to JoomSEF 4 article ID issue 12 years, 1 month ago #35370

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
You should set "Add categories to URL" on the Extension tab to "Only last one" and disable the "Add menu title to URL" on the Common tab.

You don't need to do this before importing SEF URLs as it doesn't affect the imported URLs. It only affects newly created SEF URLs, for example the ones for your category with changed ID.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: JoomSEF 3 to JoomSEF 4 article ID issue 12 years, 1 month ago #35381

Ok, I have done this. I have also added the .html prefix to the Basic Configuration > File Suffix. This brings me to one last question - I notice now that new pagination URL's created are being created as follows:


but on the main page they are:

/home/page-28 (no .html file suffix like the categories, and /home/ is added to the URL for some reason)

Is there any way to control this behavior? (Add .html to the Frontpage pagination URLs, and remove /blog/ from the Category Blog pagination URLs)?

Thanks for your input, I very much appreciate it!
Last Edit: 12 years, 1 month ago by extremesurf.
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Re: JoomSEF 3 to JoomSEF 4 article ID issue 12 years, 1 month ago #35387

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
The .html suffix should be added to all the SEF URLs generated by JoomSEF, so make sure that your home page pagination links were recreated after you set the prefix and that the JoomSEF's cache was cleared.

To remove the /blog/ part from URLs set "Add layout to URL" option to "Never" in JoomSEF's Content extension parameters.
ARTIO Support Team
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