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extra content in rewite and module display problem
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TOPIC: extra content in rewite and module display problem

extra content in rewite and module display problem 11 years ago #42781

Hey guys, trying to use this on my live site and i have a few issues. currently it is disabled.

1. when joomsef is enabled the my links look like some are even longer like the FAQ link is

can you help explain why they are this way instead of just or also if there is a way to get it looking the way want.

2. with SEF enabled modules which are set for only certain pages are showing on all pages. Turn of SEF and they show correctly on only the assigned pages. How can i fix this with SEF on?

Thank you
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Re: extra content in rewite and module display problem 11 years ago #42933

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. Do you have VirtueMart extension for JoomSEF?

When you buy it, there are lot of settings how links to VirtueMart should look like.

Edit: Point 2.
Settings that can affect this are: When you enable Professional Mode, go to Advanced tab and try change Ignore multiple sources to No. And after that of course re-generate all URLs.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 11 years ago by pama.
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Re: extra content in rewite and module display problem 11 years ago #42950


Thank you I have things mostly how i would like them to look now after some playing but I have just one more question that i cannot find a solution for.

I did purchase the virtuemart extension. My links look much better now but it displays like

Is there somewhere I can change it from saying "virtuemart" in the link to something else like "shop" or 'store" I cannot seem to find anywhere to do this.

Thank you,
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Re: extra content in rewite and module display problem 10 years, 12 months ago #43022

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. "virtuemart" part is probably related to some view or menu item name. For exact reason (also reason of other problems) we need to see your exact settings in back-end. If you want, send them to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. (and include link to this thread). Thanks.
ARTIO Support Team
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