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Duplicate categories + missing alphabetics
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TOPIC: Duplicate categories + missing alphabetics

Duplicate categories + missing alphabetics 11 years, 12 months ago #37093


First problem:

I've just bought VirtueMart SEO Bundle: JoomSEF 3 + VirtueMart Extension.
I run into the following problem: In virtuemart I have double categories in the url: the first part is from the Joomla menu and the second from the virtuemart extension. I would like to have just one.

Second problem:

I'm missing specific alphabetics. The letter R in cyrillic is missing when is capitalized in the menu. Example: "Rio" would become "io". I've checked and even tried deleting everything from Non-ASCII char replacements and then updating the url's but still nothing !

Please help ASAP !

Best Regards,

Teodor Ovcharov
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Re: Duplicate categories + missing alphabetics 11 years, 12 months ago #37097

Also, I noticed that even if I deactivate all category display from the vm extension, it's still get's one specifically (certain menu from the list of vm categories) and puts it after domain name. Example:

I would like to get rid of that or at least change it to "shop" or something like that if it's needed by vm, but without changing the actual category alias/name in the menu.

Do I make my self clear ?

Thank you ! :)
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Re: Duplicate categories + missing alphabetics 11 years, 12 months ago #37103

Just to let you know I fixed all my problems. I put "Р|р" in my ASCII replacaments chars and that fixed my issue, though I believe you should look at that problem, because there's something wrong with this letter.

The double categories where removed by disabling "Add Menu Title to URL". There was one that remained problematic, but I did a custom sef url there.

I also did some other custom sef urls and fixed some other options, as well installed specific plugin, allowing me to save aliases in cyrillic. There are other things I cannot recall right now.

I like your product, but your support is a little slow and I had to fix everything on my own. Did looots of googling. Anyway I'm happy now, I hope this will help improve your product !

Best Regards,

Teodor Ovcharov
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Re: Duplicate categories + missing alphabetics 11 years, 11 months ago #37379

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
I'm sorry for the delay, I was on a sick leave.
I'm glad that JoomSEF works for you.
ARTIO Support Team
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