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Ads Manager broken URLs
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TOPIC: Ads Manager broken URLs

Re: Ads Manager broken URLs 12 years, 3 months ago #32955

ok done, the 404 custom page is correctly displayed but I can' disable the component heading's mention "Article" just above the diplayed title "404" (which I can disable in editing the article in the joomla artcile management). How can I fix it ?
Thanks !
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Re: Ads Manager broken URLs 12 years, 3 months ago #32988

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
JoomSEF's custom 404 page is stored as a standard uncategorized Joomla article titled 404. So just open Articles manager in Joomla and find the 404 article. There you can set any options for it you'd like.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Ads Manager broken URLs 12 years, 3 months ago #33008

The problem is I have 2 titles :
- 1st : a "componentheading" class title wich is not manageable is the article management => I would hide it
- 2d : normal title (404) of the article that I can manage normally
I specify that this first title is not a "categorie title" or a "parent categorie title" you can manage in the article.
The problem is specific to this page, is it linked to joomsef ? Should I delete something in the core?
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Re: Ads Manager broken URLs 12 years, 3 months ago #33031


Ok, I think this topic is solved : I redirect 404 on homepage, so no matter with the 404 page display.

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