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Virtuemart 3 on Joomla! 3 SEF pagination issue
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TOPIC: Virtuemart 3 on Joomla! 3 SEF pagination issue

Virtuemart 3 on Joomla! 3 SEF pagination issue 8 years, 3 months ago #47914

Hi, I have VM 3.0.16 on Joomla! 3.6.2 and Joomsef 4.5.4 with VM Extension 3.0.22.
It's all right except the VM pagination categories.
With SEF url OFF everything works properly.
With SEF URL ENABLED the url of pagination link back to selection of categories, (therefore a previous navigation steps) and offers this link to all links to the available pages (previous, 2,3,4,5, next).

SEF example: mysite.ext/name-of-category/name-of-subcatgory.html
(this show the list of first 18 products in category)
when I click on pagination button "2" or "next" or other, the URL is
(and now I see the previous step of my site experience)

Re: Virtuemart 3 on Joomla! 3 SEF pagination issue 8 years, 3 months ago #47947

now the pagination work ok.
I don't know why!
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