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K2 pagination problem
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TOPIC: K2 pagination problem

K2 pagination problem 12 years, 1 month ago #34108

  • khargool
Hi All,

I have a problem with pagination on my website My system:
- Joomla 2.5.1
- Artio 4.2.9 with K2 extension (commercial)
- K2 - K2 v2.6.1

I set K2 "Categories" as my home page and the pagination doesn't work. Funny thing is that other menu item (Ikony motoryzacji) that points at specfic category works well.

Is it normal that the pagination in K2 is not exactly SEF (I guess it is supposed to be page-1, page-2, etc) ?

And one thing that actually worries me (apart from the fact that I get 404 on pagination on my home page) is that I guess I get duplicated content because currently first page of category has such link:
and if you go to page 2 of category and than want to return to page one the link is:

so I actually have the same page with two different links. Again - is it normal ?

Thanks in advance for an answer


Re: K2 pagination problem 12 years, 1 month ago #34125

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Try to find the "strona-glowna" SEF URL in JoomSEF's URLs Manager. Please post the Real non-SEF URL stored for it and check if there are any duplicates.

Our K2 extension currently doesn't create SEF links for pagination.

There is a canonical link automatically created by JoomSEF in website's meta tags, so Google should have no problem with that.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: K2 pagination problem 12 years, 1 month ago #34133

  • khargool

Actually, you are right. Yesterday, I saw just one, today, well - quite a lot of them. I also checked the actual URL of strona główna (home page) menu item in main menu and it looks like this:

List of URLs containing "strona-glowna"
strona-glowna index.php?option=com_k2&task=category&view=itemlist&Itemid=126
strona-glowna index.php?option=com_k2&catid=46&view=itemlist&Itemid=126
strona-glowna index.php?option=com_k2&catid=45&view=itemlist&Itemid=126
strona-glowna index.php?option=com_k2&catid=47&view=itemlist&Itemid=126
strona-glowna index.php?option=com_k2&start=10&view=itemlist&Itemid=126
strona-glowna index.php?option=com_k2&start=20&view=itemlist&Itemid=126
strona-glowna index.php?option=com_k2&catid=51&view=itemlist&Itemid=126
strona-glowna index.php?option=com_k2&catid=49&view=itemlist&Itemid=126
strona-glowna index.php?option=com_k2&catid=52&view=itemlist&Itemid=126

Re: K2 pagination problem 12 years, 1 month ago #34143

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
It seems that the URLs are not correctly handled by our extension. We'll fix this in next version.

In the meantime, try setting the one with "index.php?option=com_k2&task=category&view=itemlist&Itemid=126" as Active (by clicking the icon in the Active column) and let me know if it helps.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: K2 pagination problem 12 years, 1 month ago #34149

  • khargool
I did so and no luck, I guess

Re: K2 pagination problem 12 years, 1 month ago #34219

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Could you send me access credentials to your website's administration area to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. so I could check the problem myself?
ARTIO Support Team
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