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Is Joomsef creating automatic 301 redirects
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TOPIC: Is Joomsef creating automatic 301 redirects

Is Joomsef creating automatic 301 redirects 8 years, 1 month ago #48311

Hello, I've managed to modify the structure of my sef url as I wanted with Joomsef, but momentarily switched it off.
In fact even after reading all of the documentation and the related forum topics, it's not clear to me if it is creating automatically redirect 301 rules or not.
I was supposing it obviously did, but to me it looks like it doesn't, since i can't find any in htaccess, in Joomla redirect, or Joomsef redirect.

When I activate the plugin, I can access correctly the old and new urls, both pointing at the new url structure, but I don't think the Google SEO juice has been redirected, or am I wrong?

Writing manual redirects for thousands of articles and category it's not feasible, so I'm not sure what to do.
I would pass in fact from a structure like this
to this

Basically no IDs and no menu reference, so that I don't think I can create a general redirect for the whole category.

I've the latest version of joomsef and joomla 3 installed.

Any suggestion? Or is there any way to create automatic 301 redirect rules to an already existing website?
Than you
Last Edit: 8 years, 1 month ago by phidias81.
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