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Profile URL CB Plugin by Mike @ Simbunch
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TOPIC: Profile URL CB Plugin by Mike @ Simbunch

Profile URL CB Plugin by Mike @ Simbunch 17 years, 8 months ago #1913

  • wanderer
This might be easy for someone who understands this better, but it's got me stumped.

Can anyone suggest how to get Artio JoomSEF working with the Profile URL Community Builder CB plugin?

Profile URL uses the following command in .htaccess - All on one line

ErrorDocument 404 joomlaRootDir/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_profileurl/profileurl_redirect.php

This ErrorDocument runs the PHP which redirects to a 'real' profile url when a 'non-existent' one like this:

... is requested.

Hence, your members can use 'nice' URLs to link to their profiles from other sites.

** They can even edit the "NameChosenByMember" bit themselves with Ajax on their profile page **

To make AJ and ProfileURL work together I was looking for a way to 'daisy chain' JoomSEF into Profile URL, but it's a bit beyond my understanding of Joomla/SEF handling.

I found the section in administrator/components/com_sef/admin.sef.php that builds the select box to put a value for the 404 handler into the JoomSEF config file,

Lines near:

options = array(mosHTML::makeOption(0, '('._COM_SEF_DEF_404_PAGE.')'));

... but I don't know where the values in the config are used and whether the path/filename to the Profile URL handler can be integrated.

I bet I get zero replies :) ... any ideas appreciated!


The wanderer

Re:Profile URL CB Plugin by Mike @ Simbunch 17 years, 4 months ago #2994

I have the same problem... Please, someone from the team Joomsef can help us ?

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