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Realesate component in modal window
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TOPIC: Realesate component in modal window

Realesate component in modal window 10 years, 9 months ago #44510

Hello, I use the Artios SEF for the first time and I also purchased the realestate extension for the plugin... BUt I have a question on you...I would like to open detail of the house inside the modal window...

URL for the project is:

There is a problem, when i put the clean URL iside the {modal url=realestatemanager/sale/old/it-is-your-dream} the modal window only loads the content, but never finish the doesnt work neither if I put the no lcera url...index.php?option=com_realestatemanager&catid=49&id=5&task=view

there is the image map for choosing of object...the object CH4 is linked to the realestate component and object CH5 is linked to my external webpage with older component installed - also Artios SEF using...CH5 has {modal}...

Can you give me a solution for my problem? I woul like to open the detail of house inside the modal way is with the SEF urls....

Thank you in advance,
Kind regards, Petr


I ve just found, that the modal plugin adds the /realestatemanager/sale/old/it-is-your-dream?ml=1 after the clean URL...if I put the ?ml=1 it loads can you halp me please with this problem? thank you a lot,
Last Edit: 10 years, 9 months ago by oweck. Reason: Just realized the problem:

Re: Realesate component in modal window 10 years, 9 months ago #44511

I hust turn on the iframe popup of modals, and it works well, i hope it will work already...will see...if not, i will write you...
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