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cherry picker and artio sef w virturemart
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TOPIC: cherry picker and artio sef w virturemart

cherry picker and artio sef w virturemart 10 years, 3 months ago #45874

Hi there
I've been testing ArtioSEF w paid virtuemart plug in on
My order # is 37726

I've installed another module called Cherry picker that helps filters product categories

If I turn ArtioSEF off, Cherry picker works - eg., if I filter options by a specific size, it displays those options. However, since ArtioSEF is off, I can't proceed to check out.;size=Full%20Queen

If I turn on ArtioSEF on, I can't use Cherry picker eg., I can't reset the filter, its stuck

Thus, I really need both Artio and Cherry picker to work to proceed.
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1. Is there a way to turn off Artio just for using Cherry Picker?
2. I'm assuming you have other clients who have used Cherry Picker before with your component - I'm hoping there is a resolution -pl document any changes cause we will need to apply it to live site.

Please please help.
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Re: cherry picker and artio sef w virturemart 10 years, 3 months ago #45883

  • mitk

we deal with this problem in the Support ticket.
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