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JoomDoc and JoomSEF
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Document management system (DMS) component for Joomla!

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TOPIC: JoomDoc and JoomSEF

JoomDoc and JoomSEF 10 years, 10 months ago #44245


I have a website running JoomSEF free and now JoomDOC v4 ent. WebDAV have been correctly configured and I can test that it is working. The only problem I have is that when JoomSEF is enabled, I get a 404 error (custom page) if I try any option offered by the WebDAV edit menu.
The rewrite rule is also working and I could test it is effective.

What should I do to make JoomDOC working fine with JoonSEF enabled?

Thank you

Site is Jooma! 2.5.20
PHP level is 5.3
JoomDOC v4 enterprise
JoomSEF v4.5.1 free
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Re: JoomDoc and JoomSEF 10 years, 10 months ago #44247

Just tried the following:
Scratch joomla! 2.5.20 site installation ===>tested ok
WebDAV installation and configuration (server side) ===>tested with cyberduck ok
WebDAV directory setup for JoomDOC ===>tested ok
JoomDOC v4 ent installed and configured ====>tested ok
JoomDOC WebDAV configured and enabled ===>tested ok
dummy word document uploaded into JoomDOC ===>tested ok

Front end login and WebDAV editing test with JoomDOC menu entry ===>TESTED OK!!!

Installed JoomSEF v4.5.1 with default settings ===>tested ok

JoomDOC WebDAV doesn't work anymore. 404 error page is returned!


Thank you
Last Edit: 10 years, 10 months ago by davlon.
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Re: JoomDoc and JoomSEF 10 years, 10 months ago #44251

I think I've sorted out the 404 error as could not afford letting the problem happen on my websites.
This has been really hard as NO DOCUMENTATION is available so far and we had to test each of the JoomSEF parameters in order to find the one causing the malfunction.
This is WEIRD considering that the two product are from the same provider!

In order to let JoomDOC and JoomSEF coexist, the "prevent non-SEF variables from overwriting parsed ones" parameter in JoomSEF config, should be set to "NO". This is what worked on my two sites Joomla! 2.5.20 based...

I have no words left and I am really scared on what else I might step into using this two software.

Last Edit: 10 years, 10 months ago by davlon.
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Re: JoomDoc and JoomSEF 10 years, 10 months ago #44272

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, you should write questions about JoomSEF into JoomSEF forum, not here.
ARTIO Support Team
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