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User can list file and folder with no access
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TOPIC: User can list file and folder with no access

User can list file and folder with no access 11 years, 2 months ago #42318


I try Joomdoc4 in joomla 2.5 but i have a problem:
I have configured group user(noaccess) with user with no access in on a folder (test), but when i am login in with a user of this group (noaccess), it can list the folder (test) but i can enter in.
My prblem is that i don't want to list it.

Can you tell me if it's possible?

Last Edit: 11 years, 2 months ago by patbonf. Reason: icon

Re: User can list file and folder with no access 11 years, 2 months ago #42325

I answer my question.
It's possible by playing with group users and access level.
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