I am in the process of creating the tabular style. I am interested in these items appearing in the list:
1) Icon
2) Name with "new!" and "Hot" spans.
3) Description
4) Update Date
I edited JoomDocs GUI config until these appeared.
Create The Row Structure
To accomplish the row structure, use CSS and the float:left in the class for each item. This will create the row structure for each item. I also changed the text appearance.
The CSS File is stored in [var/www/sitename]/components/com_joomdoc/views/themes/default/css/theme.css
Add the following code:
color: #000000;
display: block;
font-family: "Times New Roman",Georgia,serif;
font-weight: normal;
text-align: left;
text-decoration: none;
I did not add cells, but simply wanted the list to show each item. (I may change this later).
Add Numbering
Next you will have to add the numbering php to the output page. The file output for each item in the display page is [var/www/sitename]/components/com_joomdoc/views/themes/default/templates/documents/document.tpl.php
In here you can add a counter that will display each item, or you could display the row id of the jos_joomdoc table.
In the CSS you would simply create a class and then assign it to the DIV element created for the number.
At the bottom of document.tpl.php there is a clear div. You could also a line here for a more table like effect.
Button Hack
If you disable the download button or the buttons altogether, then the name doesn't link to the document. I have read in the past week a way to fix this and I am currently investigating.
Sort By Hack
To Sort by additional fields (Description) you will need to create the link. This is what I am currently working on and will post when I have an answer.
So far I have made chagnes in the following files:
If you add to the other order by items it should work. There is also a missing | separator on the Hits sort link.
For the Sort By Hack, I am looking for the call to the database to change the sortby to the field dmdescription