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Problem with xMap
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TOPIC: Problem with xMap

Problem with xMap 15 years, 6 months ago #7872


I used your plugin and it works fine... Now i installed xmap and the plagin inserts tracking code into xml map...

Can i somehow cancel it on some pages?

You can see sample on:



Re:Problem with xMap 15 years, 4 months ago #8436

  • Greg
  • Posts: 1
Good Day

I see there are no responses yet to this topic

I am also having problems with Xmap and this plugin

I am using Joomla 1.5.14 with VM1.1.3.

I have installed the ARTIO Google Analytics Tracking Plugin because I want Virtuemart tracking.

I also installed Xmap so that I could generate a sitemap and submit it to google.

The Artio analytics plugin messes with the xmap XML sitemap to the extent that you cannot even browse to it via url without getting the following nasty error.

>>>>>error message starts >>>>

XML Parsing Error: junk after document element
Line Number 1493, Column 1:<script type="text/javascript">

>>>>> error message ends >>>>

As soon as I unpublish the Artio Analytics plugin the xml sitemap works OK.
Check it out here

Please advise how to reolve this problem as it would be great to use your plugin with Xmap

I look forward to your response

Best Regards from Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Greg Eales

Re: Problem with xMap and SEF Service 15 years, 4 months ago #8829

Exactly the same problem

Artio Analytics insert javascript code into the site map. If you try to access to the xml file you get:
XML Parsing Error: junk after document element

If you have a look to the txt sitemap version you can see at the bottom:

<script type="text/javascript">
2 var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
3 document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
1(function(){var b._setCampMediumKey=function(a){c.Ja=a};b._setCampNOKey=function(a){c.Ka=a};b._setCampSourceKey=
(.... continues ....)
39function(a){c.La=a};b._setCampTermKey=function(a){c.Ma=a};b._setCampCIdKey=function(a){c.Na=a};b._getAccount=function(){return b.s};b._setAccount=function(a){b.s=a};b._setNamespace=function(a){c.o=a?T(a):w};b._getVersion=function(){return ca};b._setAutoTrackOutbound=function(a){c.u=[];if(a)c.u=a};b._setTrackOutboundSubdomains=function(a){c.jb=a};b._setHrefExamineLimit=function(a){};b._setReferrerOverride=function(a){b.Za=a};b._setCookiePersistence=function(a){$.t=a}};
40$._getTracker=function(g,i){return new $.Kb(g,i)};window[aa]=$;var ka=window[ba];})()
<script type="text/javascript">
2 try {
3 var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXX-1");
4 pageTracker._trackPageview();
5 } catch(err) {}

this causes the problem.

Re:Problem with xMap 15 years, 1 month ago #9889

I have a request. There are Xmap and ArtioJoomSEF in use. But Xmap does not make XML map, it just write "This sitemap is unavailable". I don't know how to solve this error.
I've found a topic related to this problem in Xmap official forum, but author's answer was next:

"this seems to be a problem with joomfish!"

P.S. I use latest JoomFish 1.8.2, ArtioJoomSEF 2.2.6 and Xmap 1.0

Re:Problem with xMap 15 years, 1 month ago #9977

I can also confirm that the Artio GA plugin breaks XMAP sitemaps.

I'll try the module version or look for another plugin.

Re:Problem with xMap 15 years ago #10307

  • basujansb0110
I have installed the ARTIO Google Analytics Tracking Plugin because I want Virtuemart tracking.

And found the following error .......
>>>>>error message starts >>>>

If anyone can say about this please reply me........
Last Edit: 15 years ago by .
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