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question before purchase joomla support
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Flash chart component for Joomla CMS.

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TOPIC: question before purchase joomla support

question before purchase joomla support 13 years ago #27666

i have question before purchase joomla related support

1. can artio provide me a function that i can add different user for artio fusion charts?
meaning : in my chart haved 4 department, so there will be 4 different charts eg: charts for service, chart for client, project etc...i need to create 4 staff login so each one of the staff when login only can see their department charts only, so their wont mistaking update others department charts and for security.

order id:00021660
joomla 1.6
Last Edit: 13 years ago by theinspire. Reason: adding joomla version
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Re: question before purchase joomla support 13 years ago #27669

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, there are two solutions:

1. Insert every chart to extra article and set ACL for article.
2. Pay for customization. I estimate 1 hour of work.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: question before purchase joomla support 13 years ago #27670

if we pay, artio can provide us the new function that we want?..creating user login for staff, so each staff only can see their department chart
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Re: question before purchase joomla support 13 years ago #27676

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello we can improve component in very easy way. It will be cheap for you - only 1 hour.

We will integrate standard ACL of Joomla 1.6.
You will create user groups and users in Joomla! manualy.
Then you will able to set permissions for user group to display chart.

If you want something special like automatic creating users by component or set ACL for concrete users it will be more difficult and expensive.
ARTIO Support Team
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