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Can chart dimensions be adjusted dynamically?
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Flash chart component for Joomla CMS.

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TOPIC: Can chart dimensions be adjusted dynamically?

Can chart dimensions be adjusted dynamically? 11 years, 11 months ago #37422

Is it possible to adjust chart dimensions dynamically, by setting for instance:

Width: = 70% instead of 670 px, so the charts grow or decrease in size, depending on the actual browser size window, in other words they become 'elastic'.

Say you have standard dimensions of 670 px by 500 px on a 800 px content area, but when the browser window is reduced to 600 px, can the chart dimensions be automatically adjusted along with that?
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Re: Can chart dimensions be adjusted dynamically? 11 years, 11 months ago #37479

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

this is not possible at the moment. If you set 80%, flash will be loaded with width="80". But it is nice idea so I will add it to our project management and i will be probably released in next version.
ARTIO Support Team
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