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Tax settings
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TOPIC: Tax settings

Tax settings 13 years, 9 months ago #22394

I have a problem with the tax settings:

1. Basic ticket price: pre tax used in the setting (please add gross price and auto calculate net price, like in VM)
2. Attributes: use ex-tax prices. I had to tweak it slightly to get right. Again, it would be better to have the gross prices.
3. Object settings: here I seem to have to use tax inclusive prices. No matter what I try, the final price in the seat allocation window has prices with 4 numbers after the full stop eg 29.998 AUD

it is a large theatre with 2000 seats. The pop-up window has scroll bars and it took be a while to find the save button.
This represents a major userbility problem. How to fix this?

on going to cart, I get this error:
Illegal variable _files or _env or _get or _post or _cookie or _server or _session or globals passed to script.
What does it mean?

test site as subdomain

Here are my attribute settings:
Base price is $20, then there are the concessions for children, youth and concession plus the object settings areas A, B and C. Tickets is area C are the base price of $20.
Are these settings correct?

thank you
Last Edit: 13 years, 9 months ago by boite. Reason: added screen shot
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Re: Tax settings 13 years, 8 months ago #22495

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

1,2,3) Thank you for your notes. We'll think about this update to next version, or you can buy support and we'll change it for you.

Yes, it;s really big theatre. And it's impossible to display it on one page without scrolling. We can fix the position of save button in the window and scroll just seats. Or some custom modification according to your wishes.

I cant see any problem. please, send me a picture, what's wrong.

Here are my attribute settings:
I think, that the Object Settings -> price should be in format (=10,+10 -10). As in VM.
Variable attributes: the input button next to "Remove" is attribute name input.

If you'll have more questions, let write to me.
ARTIO Support Team
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