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Several problems
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TOPIC: Several problems

Several problems 13 years, 5 months ago #24272


Just bought the VM e-ticket 02 and prepared the system. First installed joomla and virtuemart and after configuration was done i installed the e-ticket component. Everything works fine but i still got several problems:

1: When adding a product to the cart, i'm getting the error: Sorry, but the Product you've requested wasn't found! (After adding a non downloadable product, it works fine!)

2: Attributes don't work like they should. For example, i added an attribute named Coins. Named them 10 coins, 20 coins and 30 coins. Added prices like 20, 30, and 40. But the front end shows 2€0,00 3€0,00 and 4€0,00. This isn't a typo from me, you can check it out on the website. (named in the specifications). Also the price isn't calculated above the product price.

3: The ticket system doesn't work with other languages. I spend hours searching for a TCPDF error when i managed to solve it by setting the language back to English. The problem is that i cannot print a ticket from the back-end, and the customer cannot download the PDF on the front-end section when e.g. dutch language is being used.

4: The download link send to customers isn't very easy to understand. It looks like this:
Is there any way to change this layout?

erwin hoog antink,


Tickets voor Wintery: 7d93c1ada63424476e4d925fd31dc565




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Maybe not all problems are VM-eticket related but i just can't get it working. Hope someone can help me so i can use this product and sell my event tickets.


Joomla 1.5.23
Virtuemart 1.1.9
VM-eticket 1.0.0
Last Edit: 13 years, 5 months ago by infestus.
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Re: Several problems 13 years, 5 months ago #24414

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

1.) The adding tickets to cart is provided by VM. It should be caused by some wrong settings of the VM. First check, if there is turned on the downloadable products. (administration->virtuemart->configuration->downloads->Enable Downloads).

2.) maybe that the format of attribute price is wrong. try this "=20", "=30", "=40". If it doesn't help, please, send me the picture of the ticket attributes configuration.

3.) This problem looks too complicated to answer it right now. Is there any error message displayed there?

4.) All the emails are sent by VM. So you must change the VM templates. Some of there are hidden in the Source code.
ARTIO Support Team
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