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Quetion before purchase: Max 2 events
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TOPIC: Quetion before purchase: Max 2 events

Quetion before purchase: Max 2 events 13 years, 4 months ago #25109

For E2, we are allowed to have maximum of 2 events or ticket-types.
What event or ticket-type here refer to?

For example, I want to sell tickets for an event that last 3 days. Each day has different ticket. (Ticket is valid for one day only).
(1) My Event - Day 1 + My Event - Day 2 = 2 events (that is maximum)
or (2) My Event (Day 1 + Day 2 + Day 3) = 1 event

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Re: Quetion before purchase: Max 2 events 13 years, 4 months ago #25110

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

it's limited the number of tickets (events) that you can see in the administration->VMeTickets->Tickets. The limit for E2 version is 2 tickets, so you can see max. two tickets hare at the same time (if you delete one, you can create another one).
So if you want to create the separate ticket for each day, you miss one day. But you can create only one ticket with variable start day. So you can specify the dates of the three days, set ticket duration to 1 day and let the customer to decide, for which day he buy the ticket. It means that you still have one ticket to create and also the customer can select the right ticket on one page.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Quetion before purchase: Max 2 events 13 years, 3 months ago #25313

Can I schedule an event for consecutive weeks?
For exampple: Event A (Sat 12/Nov, Sat 19/Nov, Sat 26/Nov)

Can I schedule an event for different dates?
For example: Event B: (Sat 12/Nov, Fri 18/Nov, Sat 26/Nov)

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Re: Quetion before purchase: Max 2 events 13 years, 3 months ago #25326

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

yes you can schedule the event dates as you wish. You can put there unlimited number of dates and time. The event start times are inserted in format 2011-11-20 15:55:00. You can create a list of this times and the customer just choose the right time of his ticket. You can even create more times in one day. All of this is in one ticket (event).
You can also create event with different start times and seats selection. The reserved seats (customer can't buy ticket at this seats, because of this tickets was already sold), are displayed in dependency on selected time. So the seat should be displayed as reserved in some start time and free in other start times.
ARTIO Support Team
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