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Pre sale questions
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TOPIC: Pre sale questions

Re: Pre sale questions 13 years, 6 months ago #23829

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177
I think that in this version it isn't possible to grant the administration access to manage only some tickets. The resellers can only sell the tickets in the front-end, but the administration is restricted.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Pre sale questions 13 years, 6 months ago #23890


Would it be possible to make that possible? We would like to offer non-webshop owners to manage tickets in our back-end. Some sort of user / group access per event would be nice.

Do you also have some working examples running of the e-ticket system?

Kind regards.
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Re: Pre sale questions 13 years, 6 months ago #23894

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

I don't recommend you to give the administration (back-end) access to your system to other companies.
You can create a Joomla account with limited access to the administration, but there is no way how to allow them to manage only some tickets in the VMeTicket administration (in this version).
It's possible to grant the access to manage the tickets via the front-end interface. They are able to sell the tickets and check their validity, also list the orders and change their status. The customer's has access only to a subset of the tickets (events), but they can't create them, edit or delete.

You can see here, how does the front-end work :

The documentation of the eTicket component is here:
ARTIO Support Team
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