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module questions (pre-sale)
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TOPIC: module questions (pre-sale)

module questions (pre-sale) 13 years, 3 months ago #25374

  • Roland

I have some questions about your VM e-Tickets module for joomla.
- If people are reservate a ticket online. Do the get an ticket with ean (barcode)-code in their mailbox (pdf)?
- Is their a 1.7 module for joomla comming soon?
- Are all payment possiblities the same as in VM?
- Is it possible to show the selling module on different websites? And if so, is it possible to show only a selection on one website and show everything on an other website?
- Is it possible to upgrade your purchage?
- Is their a tranlation in Dutch available?

Thank you for your answer in advance.

Kind regards,

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Re: module questions (pre-sale) 13 years, 3 months ago #25380

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

- Yes, people get the PDF file with the tickets via email. You have two options, let the customer download the ticket as PDF document, or print it yourself and send it as normal product. In the fact, the tickets are VM downloadable products, so the process of ticket delivery is managed by VM.

- Yes, we're working on new version for Joomla 1.7 right now. It's completely new component with no connection to VM.

- Yes, the whole checkout process is managed by VM, so you can use all VM payment methods.

- No, this feature isn't available. But you can create user groups and this users can sell the tickets on the cash desk. Each user group can sell different group of tickets. But they use the module on your page.

- Yes, it's possible to upgrade the component. But no upgrades are available now. But the new version for Joomla 1.7 is completely new component and it'll be sold as separate product. Customers that already bought the current version probably get better price, but it's not a free upgrade

- I think that this translation isn't available.
ARTIO Support Team
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