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Cash desk don't send Download ID
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TOPIC: Cash desk don't send Download ID

Cash desk don't send Download ID 13 years, 7 months ago #23197


I have a problem, cash desk don't send on e-mail Download ID. I have E2 edition of VM e-ticket. Maybe I need something turn on in payment methods or samething else???

Best regards,
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Re: Cash desk don't send Download ID 13 years, 7 months ago #23216

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

Problem is, that there isn't this functionality for cash desk sell. It depends on that, if the product is set as downloadable (VirtueMart feature). Ticket products is made of three products. Parent product and two child produts (normal-giftbox and downloadable - print and go ticket). And for the cash desk sell you sell the parent product.
The cash desk is designed to create a ticket order, print it and give the tickets to customer. If you want to print tickets of old orders, you can use the order view.
If you'll have some other quetion, please, let me know.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Cash desk don't send Download ID 13 years, 7 months ago #23228


Thank you for answer. If I understend correctly, that cash desk and downloadable tickets can't sell in same time.

1. Most important for me is sell tickets in cash desk, there I can give premissions in backend. So I need turn of giftbox and downloadable products in VM, or something else?

2. If it possible, how configurate system for sell tickets in both moduls:
a) cash desk for organizations
b) downloadable tickets for website visitors, there they pay for ticket in paypal system.

In giftbox I don't need sell tickets.

Best regards,
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Re: Cash desk don't send Download ID 13 years, 7 months ago #23242

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177
If I understand correctly, you want to sell tickets by other organisations. Yes it's possible to sell tickets on cash desk and e-shop parallel. It isn't problem. The shop works normal like VirtueMart store, but the ticket category have to have the VMeTicketFlyPage.tpl.
There is a view for cash desk sell (you can manage it via Joomla menu management in administration). Here you can check it on our demo site:

You have to be logged in under the account which is added to some specific organisation (VMeTIcket administration -> organisations) and then you can sell those tickets, for which you have the permission (VMeTicket administration->tickets->permissions).

You can also use the Orders view to see orders of tickets, for which you have the permission.

If you sell the ticket, there is a pop-up window with PDF file, which can be printed. (tickets are containing barcodes, which are used for validity checking). It isn't necessary to send emails with download id. Customer gets the ticket on the cash desk. The cash desk sell is anonymous, so the download id should be sent to seller email, and I can't see any reason to do it.

There is a "Check Ticket" view for ticket checking.

I hope that I respond your questions, but when you have still some other questions, let ask me again.

with best regards, PeDu
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Cash desk don't send Download ID 13 years, 7 months ago #23252


All works perfect. A lot of thanks... You are the best.

Best regards
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