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an error
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TOPIC: an error

an error 13 years, 4 months ago #25161

Hi, I just purchased and installed the component however when i wanna add product it keep saying owner required. Dont know what it is,

Also, it I need to create an new layout for event what should i do?

There is no documentation about that
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Re: an error 13 years, 4 months ago #25163

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

"owner required" is needed to create the new ticket. Just create new organisation (VMeTicket admnistration->organisations tab->new). This way you can create variable number of customer groups (organisations). This groups has different authorizations to manipulate with the ticket (
What do you mean the new layout? If you mean the design of the ticket, it's in ticket administration (VMeTicket administration->product detail->ticket template tab). Here you can create the design of the event ticket that will be printed.
If you mean the layout of the ticket detail front-end page, than is performed by VirtueMart. So you must edit the page layout (quite complicated code). There are some modifications on the page, to be able to run all the VMeTicket functions, so it isn't recommended to use different page template.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: an error 13 years, 4 months ago #25174

Hi Pedu,

Thanks for reply. When I try to create an organisation, it wouldnt let me to add anyone in there

and also what I meant with layout was seat selection graphics and layout of venue im working on.

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Re: an error 13 years, 4 months ago #25176

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177
To add the user to the organisation you must fill his login name to the input field and click on "add" button. To store the users into the organisation, you should save the whole organisation. No one reported us some problems with this functions yet, so I don't know the solution now. If it won't help, are there any error messages there?

To create the seat selection, you must create the plug-in first - there you can select the type of the seat selection window and it's settings. The settings are available only for the default "Plugin File". So you can specify the x and y dimensions of the seats.
Than create the object - there select your plug-in than create the sections and write the numbers of the seats (you can use the shortcut 1-5 to specify the range 1,2,3,4,5).
If you have created the object, you can select it in the product detail->attributes tab->Object Settings. There select your object and specify the prices and colors of the sections.
If you want to have some specific seat selection, it's possible to create it just for you.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: an error 13 years, 4 months ago #25177

I found the error, when i install , I get these errors

It was not possible to copy the selected file.
It was not possible to copy the selected file.
JFile::move: It was not possible to find, read or write the selected file: '//event/components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/basket/basket_b2c.html.php'

It could be this
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Re: an error 13 years, 4 months ago #25178

and they are all writable. I dont have any problem installing any other component.

I realised it when i un-install and install the component again
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