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Customising Ticket templates
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TOPIC: Customising Ticket templates

Customising Ticket templates 13 years ago #28164

Just to confirm, can images and background images be used in the ticket templates? I'm trying to put together a layout and design for the tickets being used on the e-Tickets system, but what I've done so far doesn't seem to be registering on the PDF side of things (would like to have at least a Logo and Background). I made sure to use inline CSS styling as to not rely on linked styling. Would I also need to use table layouts or can I get away with divs and positioned layouts?

Knowing what I can and can't with the system will help in getting this finally ironed out for a client.

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Re: Customising Ticket templates 13 years ago #28177

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

You can use images for ticket templates. If PDF doesn't show them, try to change relative paths to absolute.

Background images are not implemented. We think about them for next versions.

I recommend to use table layouts instead of divs and positioned layouts. TCPDF know some css styles, but its display is not as ideal as in web browsers.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Customising Ticket templates 13 years ago #28198

Thanks a lot, I've been able to get a ticket put together now. I also noted that you can put custom attributes into the ticket, though the means to do this isn't described in the documentation. How do you do that? Not really an urgent or necessary step, but would be handy and a nice touch for the ticket details.
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Re: Customising Ticket templates 13 years ago #28202

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

Yes, you can put custom attributes into ticket. You can do it with tag [%attribute_name%], where attribute_name is exact name of the attribute. It means, it is case sensitive. You have to write it with same large and small characters like in attribute settings.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Customising Ticket templates 12 years, 9 months ago #30095

  • ali
  • Posts: 6
how do i change relative paths to absolute?
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Re: Customising Ticket templates 12 years, 9 months ago #30121

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

if you are using eTickets 2.1.x, the path settings is in component settings (go to the component administration and e.g. tickets list, then click Options button. It's in PDF Generationg tab -> Images Path.
ARTIO Support Team
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