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parking spaces
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TOPIC: parking spaces

Re: parking spaces 9 years, 1 month ago #47169

Things are starting to look good!
I'm using the normal booking with dynamic gap time, which works fine!
Any idea why this happens?


Also can't get the reservation conformation to work with the tags. In the email the tags are like...

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Re: parking spaces 9 years, 1 month ago #47172

  • mitk

as regards your firts problem, then it is a question of your CSS styles, layout component.php has probably black background.
Second problem is probably in {OBJECTS} and {/OBJECTS} - is it contained in your sms/e-mail template? If yes, can you, please, send us any screenshot?
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Re: parking spaces 9 years, 1 month ago #47183

Coding is not my strong suit. Can you guide me through the process of adjusting the background? ( after I bought the module)

The email template..

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