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Booking single beds or whole hostel
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TOPIC: Booking single beds or whole hostel

Booking single beds or whole hostel 10 years, 1 month ago #46015


our sports club possesses a hostel in german black forest. In the past we rent either single beds or the whole hostel for our customers.

Currently I think it is no problem to create single rooms with several beds in it that can be rent. But is it also possible to create a possibility that customers can book the whole hostel and all the rooms will be reserved automaticaly?

Thanks for your help!

Yours sincerely
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Re: Booking single beds or whole hostel 9 years, 12 months ago #46139

  • mitk

I am sorry for the delay.
This feature is supported by Booking component.
You need to create Hotel as a parent item and rooms as a child items in the Bookable item. Then you have to select option "Book parent with all subitems" in Options -> General -> Parent Item Bookable. The best way how to check if Booking fits your needs is trying our free version:
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