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Serious BUG: Issue with overlaping months or days
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Serious BUG: Issue with overlaping months or days

Serious BUG: Issue with overlaping months or days 12 years, 3 months ago #33144

  • Krx
  • Posts: 29

I've noticed serious issues with monthly calendar availability.
We have seasonal prices. preseason is cheaper, season is more expensive, and post season is cheaper.

Issue 1

If I for example set two prices:
01.10.2012. - 31.10.2012. - 50 Eur
01.11.2012. - 30.11.2012. - 60 Eur
- Calendar will show 01.11.2012. as not selectable
- User cannot select booking period from 30.10.2012. to 03.11.2012
An "Select real check interval" message pops up

If I change 2nd price like this:
01.10.2012. - 31.10.2012. - 50 Eur
31.10.2012. - 30.11.2012. - 60 Eur
- Calendar will show 01.11.2012. as selectable BUT
- User still cannot select booking period from 30.10.2012. to 03.11.2012
An "Select real check interval" message pops up

Issue 2
How to set system so that visitors can book overlapping days?
For example, most of private accommodations are charging per night.
Guests are arriving at 12:00 AM and leaving few days latter at 10:00 AM.

When they are booking, if they are arriving in Tuesday, and leaving in Tuesday 7 nights latter
they will select for example this:

arrival date: 11.09.2012. Tuesday
departure date: 18.09.2012. Tuesday

When booking is confirmed, availability calendar shows that 18.09.2012. is occupied,
but that day should be available for new reservation.

How to setup Booking settings/prices/whatever for that?

Please advise.
I'm using paying pro version.
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Re: Serious BUG: Issue with overlaping months or days 12 years, 3 months ago #33161

  • Krx
  • Posts: 29

After getting more familiar with booking system it seems that Issue 1 wasn't issue at all :)
In Price settings, if "Book over timeliness" is checked, it allows to select booking dates trough two price dates.
Sorry for rushing :)

I'm still trying to figure out how to solve Issue 2

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Re: Serious BUG: Issue with overlaping months or days 12 years, 3 months ago #33163

  • Krx
  • Posts: 29

Issue 2 is solved by checking "Night booking" option in Reservation types settings,
with these: From: 11:59 AM, To: 10:00 AM

Again, sorry for rushing.
I just needed enough time to properly familiarize with this booking system. ;-)

Moderators, could you please mark this topic as SOLVED and remove Serious Bug from topic title?
I'm unable to edit my own post.
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