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Problems with "Expiration" and Error in March
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Problems with "Expiration" and Error in March

Problems with "Expiration" and Error in March 12 years ago #36382

Hi, i have a problem with this atribute because the reserves appear in the system without being true, and I suppose it will be because it don't finish never...

The attribute I have it disabled (expiration) but in the reserves appear like "no expiration" when I check it, something works wrong, and I don't know what.

Please help me, I'm going crazy because the system is using it for months and now people are complaining.
I don't see where is the fault.

The problems starts when I update system Artio to version 1.5...

Thanks for you help

One thing more, In March "date" do a Internal error, same that first week in this year...
Last Edit: 12 years ago by annapon.
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Re: Problems with "Expiration" and Error in March 12 years ago #36417

Hi, the problem with March is solved. But other thing don't work well.
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Re: Problems with "Expiration" and Error in March 12 years ago #36422

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

I am not sure, what problem do you have. Can you also post here your actual version? Do you have the newest and your problem was not resolved yet?

March was repaired after update to newer version or it just disappeared? If only disappeared, it can return back. But I am not sure, where did you have problem with it and maybe there is more important "when".

Can you post printscreens here? Also some comment on printscreens would be nice.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Problems with "Expiration" and Error in March 12 years ago #36426

Hi, i'm sorry... My english is not good but I try explain it.

The problem with March, really it wasn't a error, unless my mistake in configuration. It's solved now.

The other problem is that in some days, suddenly appear some hours reserved but it's not true. It's possible caused because it don't use pay... When I arrived to home, I print a screen for you. Thanks.
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Re: Problems with "Expiration" and Error in March 12 years ago #36430

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

You don't have to apologise for your english, but printscreens will probably help us in communication.
I am not sure now if you have reservation types without price settings, so it is normal that these reservation types are not visible... Or you have problem with logic of our component? So if someone book any day and doesn't pay for it, that day is not available for other customers?
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Problems with "Expiration" and Error in March 12 years ago #36452

Hi, now i put printscreens but it's in spanish.


In this, i don't know why and what is the problem?


Here, you can see, that Friday (22 Vie) there are reserved all afternoon but it's not true.

And in this images, you can see the configuration of this object.


I hope, that now you can understand me.

Thanks for all.
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