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Make Bookings Not Confirmed until Payment done
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Make Bookings Not Confirmed until Payment done

Make Bookings Not Confirmed until Payment done 12 years, 12 months ago #29143

Maybe im only not seeing the option but...
Where is (if exists) the option to define that a booking isnt confirmed until the payment is done? (Obviusly automatically via paypal/credit card).

I have implement correctly the credit card gateway but it only makes the payment, it doesn't tells back the component the payment is done...
How the credit card payment gateway tells the component the payment have been made succesfully ?

Best Regards.
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Re: Make Bookings Not Confirmed until Payment done 12 years, 12 months ago #29148

Well, invesitgatin the code and testing with some code of the paypal gateway i almos have the sistem automated.

I pass the PAYMENT_OK url to the bank --> http:/[0]=79&hash=4232ed4a3f77680cbfa0439a6947c3f1">
So when the payment is ok, it calls to the reservation controler and it changes the reservation as PAYED. Thats ok.

I also pass the PAYMENT_KO (not OK) url to the bank --> http:/[0]=79&hash=4232ed4a3f77680cbfa0439a6947c3f1">
So when the payment is not OK, it calls to the reservation controler and it cancels the reservation. Thats ok.

The only thing is, when the payment is not made, it returns again to the payment page, but it display a "SUCESFULL" mensage at the top, so it would be confusing for the client.
How can it desactivate it when the paid is 'storno'? Thats the correct value for canceling an order and keep it as non-paided?

Thanks & Best Regards.
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Re: Make Bookings Not Confirmed until Payment done 12 years, 12 months ago #29158

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, you can improve method payment in components/com_booking/controllers/reservation.php on row 116
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Make Bookings Not Confirmed until Payment done 10 years, 9 months ago #44840

Hello, can you tell me which is the process of adding a new way of paying for Artio Booking, similar to paypal, exactly how did you do when you've done one, the exactly working steps
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Re: Make Bookings Not Confirmed until Payment done 10 years, 9 months ago #44846

  • vebi
  • Posts: 444

please, read chapter 3.13 in our documentation
ARTIO Support Team
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