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Hello, I wonder if you can give me back the money
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Hello, I wonder if you can give me back the money

Hello, I wonder if you can give me back the money 11 years, 10 months ago #38866

Hello, I wonder if you can give me back the money from the extension, took 2 days trying to make funcionr and really is impossible....

Sorry, but i cant to run this extension i have been 30 hours working trying to make a reservation, but its imposible. I dont know the problem because there are a lot of them. Its really dificult. Anyody can explain to my step by step what i have to do? i have read and follow step by step all the documentation, but its imposible. I recibe allwais the same problem:
[attachment:1]error artio.png[/attachment]
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Re: Hello, I wonder if you can give me back the money 11 years, 9 months ago #38915

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

We are preparing mini-tutorial and it is not finished at the moment and it is also not translated to english yet. I am sending you first version which was created today and you can try to translate it in, which allow you to upload html document and translate it to any language you want. Original language of this document is czech.

This tutorial will be probably translated and implemented in version 2.1.0. It should be released in next 2 weeks. This is plan.

At the moment, you can also install sample data after clean installation of the component. Or you can check our demo site. There is also possible to check administration of the website. More about this in the link.

First, what you need is to create template. Template allows you to set type of calendars, which can be shown and properties. If you created template, then you can create bookable item.
Create 2 bookable items. First will work as list of items, so it doesn't need to have reservation types and prices. Only set Name and Capacity.
Second bookable item: set Name, Capacity and Parent (select first item - this will make list from the first item). Then create reservation type.
When you create reservation type, save your item. After it, you will be able to continue in prices settings. Prices settings is second part of reservation types, where you have to select reservation type for every price.

This is basic settings, then you have to select in menu what type of view do you want to show. If list of items or item detail etc. It doesn't need any other special settings to work. Basic problem is that people do not set available days in prices settings. For this reason it doesn't work. Another problem can be jQuery + Mootools.

If you will be still not able to set it, can you send us administrator login details and url to your site to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. ? So we can check where is the problem?
ARTIO Support Team
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