Because I know, that not everybody speaks czech. I would rather send it one more in English.
Joomla 2.5.17 and ARTIO Booking 2.2.4. I have several problems and questions.
Firstly my troubles with Google Calendars. I have not found any answers to them. Finaly after two days I have manage to import google calendars. I couldn't find anywhere how to get client ID and client secret and what to fill in others fields in google. Than I have to add field modified into the SQL table for google calendars.
After the import I have managed to get the reservation into the empty google calendar. However, when the calender is not empty and I want to synchronize it there come a mistake:
400 - Bad Reguest
Error calling PUT
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/events/2sqf5unabkbp325k3u8t5jk894: (400) Invalid sequence value. How can I get rid of it.
Next question is about calendars layout. In anydifferent calendar layout which is not default I can make a reservation. And I want to use the periodical reservation but I always get error MIS_ITEM and nothing else happen. Is it also possible to make reservation in more than one resources at the same time?
The last question is about setting of the web and reservation apearence. In which file is it possible to change the settings of fronend layout, size, order. It does not act according the joomla template. For me it would be enough that the resources, are going to be besides each other not under (in columns, not rows) and see the costumer name and notes immediately not only when the mouse is over.
Thank you very much.