Server Timezone Settings: America/Regina (CST)
PHP Timezone Settings: America/Regina (CST)
Joomla Timezone: Regina
Clicking on a date in the monthly calendar sets the check in time to the next day ie. I click on Oct 9, 2012 in the calendar, and the Check In input (html id: iFrom) is set to 2012-10-10.
Inspecting the span, the fromDate, fromDisplay, toDisplay and toDate are all off by one day.
I see many script declarations in /administrator/components/com_booking/helpers/document.php which are setting the properties on each span element, but this seems to be an issue somewhere in the date calculation.
We originally had the timezone in Joomla set to UTC, but the month view calendar was off by a day. ie. Sat, Oct 13th was actually showing as the 14th of Oct. (Interestingly, with the timezone set to UTC, clicking on a subject in the calendar would set the proper checkIn/checkOut date).
We are using the latest version of the component, the issues can be seen at
Appreciate any insight!