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After update to booking2 beta 3 - NOT WORKING
(1 viewing) (1) Guest
Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: After update to booking2 beta 3 - NOT WORKING

Re: After update to booking2 beta 3 - NOT WORKING 11 years, 9 months ago #37704

Also now , when i try to save anything in my bookable items i am getting another error:
1054 - An error has occurred.

Unknown column 'user_id' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `t093r_booking_subject` SET `parent`='0',`template`='1',`title`='Small Inflatable Party',`alias`='small-inflatable-party',`introtext`='',`fulltext`='',`total_capacity`='1',`state`='1',`ordering`='1',`publish_up`='2013-03-04 01:04:00',`publish_down`='0000-00-00 00:00:00',`access`='1',`hits`='36',`checked_out`='0',`checked_out_time`='0000-00-00 00:00:00',`user_id`='0',`params`='{\"display_only_one_rtype\":0,\"min_limit\":0,\"image\":\"\\/small-inflatable1.jpg\",\"images\":\"\",\"files\":\"\",\"reserving\":0,\"use_fix_shedule\":0,\"shedule_to\":null,\"shedule_from\":null,\"display_capacity\":0,\"rlimit_count\":0,\"rlimit_days\":0,\"rlimit_set\":0,\"night_booking\":0,\"night_booking_from\":null,\"night_booking_to\":null,\"keywords\":\"\",\"description\":\"\",\"book_over_timeliness\":1,\"single_deposit\":0,\"single_discount\":\"\",\"single_discount_unit\":\"\",\"minimum_capacity\":0,\"google_maps\":\"off\",\"google_maps_address\":\"\",\"google_maps_width\":0,\"google_maps_heigth\":0,\"google_maps_zoom\":\"\",\"google_maps_code\":\"\",\"google_maps_display\":\"\",\"tax\":\"\",\"show_contact_form\":0,\"contact_email\":\" Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. \",\"tax_rate_id\":\"-1\",\"display_who_reserve\":\"\"}' WHERE `id`='2'
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Re: After update to booking2 beta 3 - NOT WORKING 11 years, 9 months ago #37706

And another table missing when i go to locations:

Table 'bluefi12_lanecove20122.t093r_booking_location' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT, l.title, l.pick_up, l.drop_off, l.checked_out, l.checked_out_time, AS editor FROM t093r_booking_location AS l LEFT JOIN t093r_users AS u ON = l.checked_out ORDER BY id asc

Can you guys please tell me exactly all table that have been changed since the first beta version and how to get them all up.

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Re: After update to booking2 beta 3 - NOT WORKING 11 years, 9 months ago #37709

Also when doing the booking in the front end after filling out all customers details an error message comes up in a pop up field "add city" but customer has already added the city.
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Re: After update to booking2 beta 3 - NOT WORKING 11 years, 9 months ago #37720

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

I consulted it with one developer and you have to uninstall old version and install beta4. Uninstallation will not remove database tables, but for sure make backup.
Missing tables and columns will be installed with new installation of beta4.
ARTIO Support Team
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