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Adding the tax...?
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Adding the tax...?

Re: Adding the tax...? 12 years, 11 months ago #29008

I tried the new version and the tax is not calculating correctly.
I have tried test booking a couple of homes and for some reason the tax does not work out. It does not calculate to the right amount

Tried to book 3 nights @100 per night = $300 tax @12% should be $36 the form makes it $40.71 and I can’t see how that was.

Subject: Foxloop / Nightly
From - to: 2012-04-25 16:00 - 2012-04-28 10:00
Clean: Cleaning Fee (US$ 80.00)
Item price: US$ 300.00
With supplements: US$ 380.00
Item deposit: US$ 300.00
Tax (12%): US$ 40.71

Here is our demo site -

Also I'd appreciate if you can just tell me how to change the equation or something as everytime I install a new version of your program, I would have to re-arrange all my layouts and other issues with the ARTIO booking formatting and CSS styling.

Where in the code can I make the adjustments?
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Re: Adding the tax...? 12 years, 11 months ago #29010

  • jaku

the price calculation is correct, but maybe it is not quite cleat how the system works.
The fact is, that the system considers all the prices as ALREADY INCLUDING tax. (that is final prices for end consumers)

That means, that for the system, the price INCLUDING the tax 12% is $ 380. And that makes the tax $ 40.71 and the netto price $ 339.29.
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Re: Adding the tax...? 12 years, 11 months ago #29021


I do not understand what you just talked above...
There are only two totals on this reservation, either the $300 or the $380. The 12% tax should only apply to the $300 total - which equates to the stay.

as what you mentioned above 12% of $380 is $45.60 , where did the $40.71 come from....

This thing does not work and need to be debugged, why is this so complicated.
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Re: Adding the tax...? 12 years, 11 months ago #29027

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432

We expected that you set for objects and supplements prices with TAX.
Component computes TAX from complete price (with supplements) in this way:

380 / (100 + 12) * 12 = 40.71

I hope it's clear.

If you expected something different please describe it in more details.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Adding the tax...? 12 years, 11 months ago #29033

Why are you calculating the tax in the complicated manner? Where did you learn that?
Why would you divide the sum by 100 + 12 * 12 ---> That is wrong!

If the total of Stay is $300 ($100 / night for 3 nights)
Cleaning Fee is $80

You take the sum of the 2 and multiply it by the % tax.
So $380 x 12%
so the tax cost is $380 x .12 = $45.60

or if the supplement is not taxable then you only tax the $300.

This is how it is in the united states, I am not sure where you are getting your math.
Check here for simple math ->

Please let us know how to fix this without having to make an new ARTIO upgrade as we already did a lot of modifications.
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Re: Adding the tax...? 12 years, 11 months ago #29034

  • jaku

the reason is simple - we assume all the prices entered are already including the tax.
That means $380 is already price with tax.
That means it is 112% of the original netto price, when considering tax 12%.
Therefore, the calculation is: $380 incl. tax 12% is $339.29 netto (100%) + tax $40.71 (12%).

In your example, you consider $380 to be netto (without tax) - then you would be right.

However, we choose this method, as booking is to be used mostly for end customers, that ought to see the "final" price incl. all the taxes. At least that is the law in EU. Therefore, it is easier for admin to enter the prices as they should be shown to customers.
And I believe you want to set your prices rather to something like $99, than $110,88 (= 99 *1,12).

I do not know, how it is in US, but here you pay tax from everything. That means including supplements. So the component assumes the supplement tax is same as the service tax -- in fact is basically a price modification, but the product "type" should not change with adding the supplements, so neither the tax should change.

Well, that is for explanation how it works.
Last Edit: 12 years, 11 months ago by .
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