I tried the new version and the tax is not calculating correctly.
I have tried test booking a couple of homes and for some reason the tax does not work out. It does not calculate to the right amount
Tried to book 3 nights @100 per night = $300 tax @12% should be $36 the form makes it $40.71 and I can’t see how that was.
Subject: Foxloop / Nightly
From - to: 2012-04-25 16:00 - 2012-04-28 10:00
Clean: Cleaning Fee (US$ 80.00)
Item price: US$ 300.00
With supplements: US$ 380.00
Item deposit: US$ 300.00
Tax (12%): US$ 40.71
Here is our demo site -
Also I'd appreciate if you can just tell me how to change the equation or something as everytime I install a new version of your program, I would have to re-arrange all my layouts and other issues with the ARTIO booking formatting and CSS styling.
Where in the code can I make the adjustments?