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Where can I put statement to display value in cal
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TOPIC: Where can I put statement to display value in cal

Where can I put statement to display value in cal 11 years, 11 months ago #37872


Might be a big ask but I would to display the value of the service in the cell so I can switch off the legend and change all colours to green for FREE and available.

I can do the CSS to make all green.

I thought I found place to do this by inserting "echo $price->value;" within line 139 of default_calendar_weekly.php in the subject tmp folder.

It produced this...

Which you can see is the value from one of my prices.. I tried ID and could see that is was and it married up. However I am getting the last value only.

Is it too much to ask where I could put this?

I have 12 or more prices because of the nature of the price having to change so thought I will GREEN all availables and place the value on the cell so people can see difference of when they are booking..

Great if you can help pls.

Many thanks


Re: Where can I put statement to display value in cal 11 years, 11 months ago #37904

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

I am sorry, but it is too much to ask. We have custom paid support for component modifications here. And if you are interested in, let us know on Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. (copy to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. ). There you can consult if it is possible to implement this feature and how much it would cost.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: Where can I put statement to display value in cal 11 years, 11 months ago #37905

OK... Thank you Maju.. I thought it might be but wanted to ask anyway.
I want to purchase the component and wanted to know if I could make it do what we need as we can then possibly sell to our customers too (We are Web Design).

Thank you


Re: Where can I put statement to display value in cal 11 years, 11 months ago #37987

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563

if you would like to resell the Booking component to your clients there are 2 options:

1. if the customers would like to purchase directly, you can send them to as as an Affiliate - then you are eligible for 20% commission from each sale

2. we can make you our Reseller, so you can be buying for your customers at our web and you will get the Reseller prices -- which are also 20% lower
ARTIO Support Team
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