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One Calendar for Two Booking Items
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TOPIC: One Calendar for Two Booking Items

One Calendar for Two Booking Items 11 years ago #42780

I have only one room but I found it easier to make two bookable items- single occupancy and double occupancy. I thought I got it to work but it turns out that there are two separate calendars, one for each item. How do I tell the system to consolidate the calendars? I am a bit of a newbie to Joomla, sorry.
Here is the site:
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Re: One Calendar for Two Booking Items 11 years ago #42782

Solved! Sorry guys.
Quick question: where can I change the CSS for some of these things? It's quite hideous as a mix between my template and the Artio one.
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Re: One Calendar for Two Booking Items 11 years ago #42784

  • vebi
  • Posts: 444

css style in calendar is possible to change in Artio Booking Configuration/Calendars. Here you can change Reservation, Vacancy color etc. You can also change your template as you want.
ARTIO Support Team
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