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Not possible to book from current day - Why?
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TOPIC: Not possible to book from current day - Why?

Not possible to book from current day - Why? 13 years, 1 month ago #27322

  • Tore
  • Posts: 22

I have an object, which I have set up daily bookings for.

I'm unable to book from current day and forward.
The date-range as set in Pricing, is starting many days before today (current day), and ending many months after today.

So why am I not allowed to register a booking which include current day?
Is it not possible?

Re: Not possible to book from current day - Why? 13 years, 1 month ago #27330

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, It's feature. Current day is considered as expired.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: Not possible to book from current day - Why? 13 years, 1 month ago #27331

  • Tore
  • Posts: 22
I would not call that a feature.

I do not see the reason for such a rule.

I'm planning to use booking app for borrowing out a hut to company emplyees.

It might be that a company employee want decide to borow the hut let say a friday morning... and that he want the hut from that friday and untill sunday. Takes a couple of hours to drive to the hut.

I would call this a bug (IMHO).

Could you please tell me how I can change this behaviour.
Script name, what php lines to add or change (please).
I would like it to be possible to book current day, unless somebody else has booked it.

In future versions I suggest this behaviour should be definable for each object (or wherever it is most convenient to put this).

Hope for a positive feedback on a working workaround :)

Kind regards

Re: Not possible to book from current day - Why? 13 years, 1 month ago #27342

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Some administrator don't want allow to book current day. It should be option.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: Not possible to book from current day - Why? 13 years, 1 month ago #27350

  • Tore
  • Posts: 22
When do you expect to get this as an optional feature?

Let say you rent out cars.
It is not very unlikely that a person drop in the same day he want a car.
Same for hotels.

And same if you borrow out hut's or other stuff...

Which version do you intend to get this feature available, and when will it be released?
It is critical for our use

Anyway, thanks for fast replies.

Re: Not possible to book from current day - Why? 13 years ago #27718

  • Tore
  • Posts: 22

In the newly released version 1.3.4, it is actually support for booking the current day... both for daily bookings and for night bookings...
Just remember to:
in: Configurations -> Calendars ... Set "Book current day" to YES. this new optional value is set by default to no.
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