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Hourly booking displays incorrect/offset times.
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TOPIC: Hourly booking displays incorrect/offset times.

Hourly booking displays incorrect/offset times. 10 years, 11 months ago #43660

Hello again,

I'm having a problem using the hourly booking. I have a tennis court set up to be bookable from 8:00 to 18:00 each day of the week. It displays the correct timespan in half-hour intervals, but from 8 - 12 each day the boxes are solid white and unbookable, however when someone clicks on the first bookable time (12:00 - 12:30), it registers as 8:00 - 9:00. Or in other words, the booking times are offset by 4 hours. Is this a bug, or is there some setting that I need to change?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Hourly booking displays incorrect/offset times. 10 years, 11 months ago #43667

  • vebi
  • Posts: 444

it seems to be problem with your settings.
Could you send me any screenshots from administration to check your settings?

Thank you
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Hourly booking displays incorrect/offset times. 10 years, 11 months ago #43715

Here you go.

I omitted a couple settings because they seemed rather unnecessary, but if there are more that you need, please let me know and I will gladly make them for you.
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Re: Hourly booking displays incorrect/offset times. 10 years, 11 months ago #43716

And here is an example of what is happening and then the bookable items configuration. If there is anything else you need, just let me know.

Thanks again
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Re: Hourly booking displays incorrect/offset times. 10 years, 11 months ago #43719

  • vebi
  • Posts: 444

I have found a lot of things that can be cause of your problem:
1. why do you have set "periodic calendars" in Global Configuration?
2. why do you have set "Enable Maximum Reservation Limit"?
3. why do you have set "fix limit"?

Try to change/cancel this settings.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Hourly booking displays incorrect/offset times. 10 years, 11 months ago #43724


1. why do you have set "periodic calendars" in Global Configuration?

Im not quite sure. I was playing with different settings when I first configured the extension, and forgot to set it back.

2. why do you have set "Enable Maximum Reservation Limit"?
3. why do you have set "fix limit"?

These are rules set by the tennis club.

I changed all settings as per your instructions (although I was slightly unsure what you meant by "periodic calendars in global configuration". I assumed you meant "set everything to know under 'period calendar' in Booking configuration." maybe that's wrong though) but im still having the same problem. Included below are screen shots of the settings to make sure I understood you properly and another example screenshot.
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