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extend calendar if time outside shown range booked
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TOPIC: extend calendar if time outside shown range booked

extend calendar if time outside shown range booked 12 years, 9 months ago #30217

  • kami
  • Posts: 19
Hi there,
my question is a little hard to explain, so I added a pic to make it clear (hopefully).
Sometimes its neccessary to postpone a booking to a time outside the normal bookable range.
How can a admin see the booked time, if it is outside the normal calender view range?
(I know, the booking is listed under the table "my reservations" but is it possible to extend the weekly calendar view if there is a booking later than the bookable times?)
Thanks in advance,

Re: extend calendar if time outside shown range booked 12 years, 9 months ago #30594

  • kami
  • Posts: 19
Hi again,
looking desperately for a solution an will pay for it (if neccessary :-) )
If the behavior described in the upper posting is too complex, a simple solution like this would be great: If the logged on user is admin, show the weekly calender from and to a given time, i.e. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
If the user is not an admin, show the time that is given in the object configuration.
Need it fast and will pay for it. Help please!
Thanks in advance,

Re: extend calendar if time outside shown range booked 12 years, 9 months ago #30773

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, sorry for late response.
I understand your idea.
We are able to do it only as pay support.
If you are interested with it we can give you price offer.
ARTIO Support Team
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