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Check out date is misleading
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TOPIC: Check out date is misleading

Check out date is misleading 11 years, 6 months ago #40729

The check out date that is displayed on the customers reservation confirmation e-mail and on the calendar and on the clients reservation summary is wrong.

The below example is using the config option: Item Detail Defaults >> Multiple Reservations set to NO.

For example:

I have an apartment that costs euro60 per room per day.

A client wishes to check in: 05.09.2013 and then check-out on 09.09.2013, the system assumes that the client is staying for 5 nights and charges accordingly. In reality this is 4 nights because the client has chosen to check-out on the 09.09.2013, so the client is been charged an extra night by default.

I realise that this component has a lack of community support, so I'm not expecting a reply to this post, however, can the developers please comment on this onem afterall, we don't want to be ripping our customers off.

Thanks, Richard
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