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Bug when upgrading to version 1.3.2
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TOPIC: Bug when upgrading to version 1.3.2

Bug when upgrading to version 1.3.2 13 years, 1 month ago #27360

  • Tore
  • Posts: 22
I have now just downloaded the latest package from the download link (version 1.3.2.

Then I went to Component - Upgrade

I selected the newest package, 1.3.2 and selected Upload file and install.

Then I got this message:

"Upgrade error: reservation_id not added: Duplicate column name 'reservation_id' SQL=ALTER TABLE `jmla_booking_reservation_items` ADD `reservation_id` INT(11) NOT NULL AFTER `id`
Error during db update script. Database not updated

Then I tried to add images to the Object Gallery.
It now works, both in backend and frontend.. wohaa.

But I do not know much about the error message above.
Could you please tell me if I need to make some changes to the database?

Something obviously went wrong in script on frontend:
When I view an object I get this error message in Frontend:
Right of the main object image, below the Properties "title" I get this error message:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\www-apps\joomla25\libraries\joomla\database\database\mysql.php on line 377

One last issue:
I see it is still not possible to book an object the current date.
I really really hope you can make it so it is possible to book object on current date.
There is really no good reason to not make that possible. Okay... maybe for some, but many, I believe would like to be able to book also on the current date.
Can you please fix this as soon as possible?

And it would be nice if the application show the zero value (digit 0) in the two price fields.
It is pretty annoying to have to enter these values every time one want to make changes to the object.

Anyway many thanks for fixing the Gallery bug with images for the object.

Re: Bug when upgrading to version 1.3.2 13 years, 1 month ago #27369

  • Tore
  • Posts: 22
More bugs after upgrading to version 1.3.2

I also have a Menu item which, when clicked, shows the "Customer reservations list".

Had no problems with this list before I made the upgrade.

Now I see these error messages on this page:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\www-apps\joomla25\libraries\joomla\database\database\mysql.php on line 377

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\www-apps\joomla25\libraries\joomla\database\database\mysql.php on line 287


If I now select booking dates in the calendar, and click book it button, then in the popup I see these error messages, before the text that says "Add reservation":

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\www-apps\joomla25\libraries\joomla\database\database\mysql.php on line 377

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\www-apps\joomla25\libraries\joomla\database\database\mysql.php on line 377

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\www-apps\joomla25\libraries\joomla\database\database\mysql.php on line 377

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\www-apps\joomla25\libraries\joomla\database\database\mysql.php on line 377

So, in short... upgrading to the version 1.3.2 made my booking system useless in the front-end... where the error messages show up.

It would be nice if the developer could fix the bugs ASAP and report back when a new upgrade (version) is available.

Re: Bug when upgrading to version 1.3.2 13 years, 1 month ago #27379

  • Tore
  • Posts: 22
I have now un-installed the Booking application.

I get some errors when uninstalling... it was unable to remove some files.

Here is some of the errors in red (pink) background (in Joomla Extension manager):
Plugin Uninstall: Folder field empty, cannot remove files
Failed deleting cs.CZ.plg_search_booking.ini
Failed to delete: c:\www-apps\joomla25\administrator\language\cs-CZ\cs-CZ.plg_search_booking.ini
Failed deleting: fi-FI.plg_search_booking.ini
Failed to delete: c:\www-apps\joomla25\administrator\language\fi-FI\fi-FI.plg_search_booking.ini
Uninstall Plugin Unsuccess

I also notice that all the tables related to the Booking app is still inside the MySql db after uninstalling.
To be sure I started with a completely fresh install, I deleted all the booking tables in MySQL as well.

Then I installed the newest version: 1.3.2

Now it looks like all is working.

I hope that the upgrade issues will be fixed when the next version is to be released.

And I really, really hope to see a new feature introduced ASAP.
I need to book the current day. More info about that here:
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