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Maybe Bugs
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TOPIC: Maybe Bugs

Maybe Bugs 13 years, 7 months ago #23561

Each time you set a new price or type of reservation the system assign e new color to the box in the calendar, the problem is that in css are defined only 22 variation for each so that if you need to prepare a lot of prices or type of reservation the system is not able to do that thing.

/components/com_booking/views/subject/tmpl/default_calendar_monthly.php lline number 107

<span class="price price<?php echo $service->priceIndex; ?>" id="<?php echo $service->id; ?>">&nbsp;</span> before
<span class="price price<?php echo $service->rtypeId; //$service->priceIndex; ?>" id="<?php echo $service->id; ?>">&nbsp;</span> or after
<span class="price price<?php echo $service->rtypeId; //$service->priceIndex; ?>" id="<?php echo $service->id % 22; ?>">&nbsp;</span> or after
<span class="price price<?php echo $service->priceIndex; ?>" id="<?php echo $service->id % 22; ?>">&nbsp;</span> or after

There are also some problem choosing check in and check out in different months

May I help you if you need as beta tester may be.
Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by gallus.
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