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Booking Notes/Details - Help me buy this!
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Support forum for users using free edition of Book it!. These forums are for mutual help among users.

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TOPIC: Booking Notes/Details - Help me buy this!

Booking Notes/Details - Help me buy this! 14 years ago #20589

Your demos show a Notes field below the contact email during the registration process. I cannot find any way to enable this Notes field in the free version. Is this part of the paid version? I will happily buy your product if NOTES are included in the paid version, and are sent out in the notification emails.

Can anyone help me? It's in the demo, but it isn't in the product. What am I missing?
Last Edit: 13 years, 12 months ago by Reason: clarification

Re: Booking Notes/Details - Help me buy this! 13 years, 12 months ago #20663

  • jaku
the demo is already using the newest version, that will be released publicly during today.
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