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Profile for yemons

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 14:55
  • Posts: 3
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The detailed features page ( for JoomDoc 3 states underneath the MULTI-UPLOAD OF DOCUMENTS AND METADATA IMPORT header that:

...Archive can also include CSV file with document metadata that will be imported automatically.

I am just trying to figure out what the format is for that CSV file so that I can include metadata on a import. Is there an example file that I can use?

Unpack CSV file form ...
Category: Community Support
What is the format I need to use in the CSV file if I want to add metadata to files as they get unpacked from a zip file?
Unpack CSV file form ...
Category: Community Support
I am testing out JoomDoc 3.2.3 Standard and have run across an issue with trying to unpack a zip file. I am receiving the following error and the unpack is not being done:

Joomla temporary folder [config temp folder] is unwritable

It looks like we are receiving the error because our temp folder is set to have restricted permissions and we are using the FTP configuration to actually do the write. In your code I found the location where you are checking the temp folder and using the is_writable php function, but since the permissions are restricted to only the FTP client it is always returning false even though JFile will be able to write to it (file:/administrator/components/com_joomdoc/libraries/joomdoc/filesystem/filesystem.php method:getJoomlaTemporaryFolder). I can see where the unwritable error messages might be useful for users but in this case it is actually incorrect. I made a modification to go ahead and return the temp folder even if that unwritable message is raised.

I really don't think you even need to do that initial check for is_writable and just let JFile handle raising an error if the folder really isn't writable. It does mean that the user will not know until they try to do a write but you won't hurt users who are using the FTP process to get around server Permissions.
Temp Folder Unwritab ...
Category: Community Support
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