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Profile for waitz

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 15:00
  • Posts: 7
  • Profile Views: 2462
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I have added two regular expressions into the field 'Do not SEF URLs matching regular expression' (for Zoo extension 2.1.4). They are:
view=submission, method=download

But still these 2 url's are still created:


Why doesn't the 2 regular expressions prevent this?
Regular Expression n ...
Category: Extensions
I am struggling in getting the redirect to work... When my visitors open /page1, I want them to be redirected to /page2.

So I created a 301 redirect from page1 to page2. But it won't work. When they open page1 they stay on page1.

Do I have to do anything else also to make this work?
Redirect not really ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Great, I'll wait for your conclusion
Break in configurati ...
Category: Extensions
I am using these settings for zoo sef:
-show application
-Show only last category

So most of my url's look like:

But many of the items or articles published end up without application or categories in the url, like:

And this I would like to avoid. How can I make sure that the application is added in all sef url's?
Break in configurati ...
Category: Extensions
I just need to check 2 things, because the documentation is a bit sparse...

1. When I am setting up the SEF's for the first time, and I change a SEF. If I don't want to keep the original SEF, I press cancel to the question "Your SEF link has changed. Do you wish to save the old one to Moved Permanently redirection table so it will still be working", right?

2. What is actually the purpose of saving a SEF as a custom url? Is there a benefit in keeping them in a separate list, and not together with the rest of the sef's?
redirect and custom ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
OK, thanks.
Excluding one app in ...
Category: Extensions
I have converted from Ace SEF, and I am trying to make the best setup for a site with Zoo, and at the moment I am excluding everything in the url except application and last category.

1. Is it possible to include application name in the sef, except for ONE application? (I.e. can I make a rule saying if application=article => exclude application name)

2. If I try a setup where I include menu title instead of application, is it possible to include only top menu point in the sef, and not the exact menu point where a category or item is published?

I read the thread about removing category menu item alias
Excluding one app in ...
Category: Extensions
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