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Profile for vismapro

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  • Posts: 5
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Hi again,

its my first time setting up cron task so...
All I have done is to set minute houre Day of the month in the places in plesk and in the comand line I have the next script.
wget -q -O /dev/null ""

with this code i get no errors in error log
do I need to write script in php file and upload it in the server, or is something else that I am supose to do?

any help from anyone wil be appreciate.
Not automatic genera ...
Category: Customer Support
question 2 answered and implement the code as you post me and its working thanks.

1) in cron i have added

wget -q -O /dev/null " option=com_vminvoice&task=cronMail&view=vminvoice"

I am in plesk panel and I have add
Minute: 10
Hour: *
Day of the week: *

Command: wget -q -O /dev/null " option=com_vminvoice&task=cronMail&view=vminvoice"

the pdf is not ganarated and it sends me the email without invoice pdf.
I have no error in cron but it cant generate pdf

Thanks again.
Not automatic genera ...
Category: Customer Support
1) the problem is only with the cron when using back end the pdf generated and sending with no prob.

2) the error in error reporting is in line 732 in my page is:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '>' in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 728

The part of code in line 728 is:


Not automatic genera ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello, i have create a cron task as the manual example, and sending the email without the pdf please help me were to look.
Second I implement the code for front end I get blank page in front end and the virtuemart back end products page.

I appreciate for the help.
Not automatic genera ...
Category: Customer Support
I want to know too or how can add custom date from product in virtuemart and show it in invoice
show shipping date ?
Category: Customer Support
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