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Profile for vincentbergeron

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:03
  • Posts: 6
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i was having the same problem and i went to and ran it and it found some broken links that i didnt know i had but my users were finding all the time.

dont know if this will help but its worth a shot.
404 log shows loads ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i have done all of this and i do it everytime i make a change in joomsef. i purge urls then update them then clear cache out of joomsef and joomla
JoomSEF Is adding th ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i have tried all of that. but i cant get it to take off the blog at the end of the url. well i can but it makes every blog layout become a list layout. even when i do what you suggest to do. everytime i make a change trying to fix it, i purge and update all the urls then clean cache in joomsef and joomla as well. and it makes no difference.
I think I found a bu ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I think I found a bug. Under managed extensions click content and set these settings just for a test if you want to try it.

Show cat - no
show section - no
title URL part - alias
cat URL part - use global config
section url part - use global config
add layout - only when different
default layout – default

This should show remove all your categories and sections in the urls.
Your urls should go from:
but it goes to this: (if it’s a blog layout)

If you go back up to those settings and set- add layout - only when different > to never. It still shows blog on the end of the urls. And if you set the default layout option to blog(thinking it would force a blog layout) it changes all the blog layouts on the site to list layouts. I have worked on this for a week and have had no success.

Here’s is my original thread about it:

I thought it was something I was doing. But something is not right here. Can someone test this for me.

I think I found a bu ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
tried that... If you have a blog layout selected as the menu type. and then in joomSEF you have selected blog layout as default, it turns all the blog layouts on the site into a list layouts. but it does take the /blog off the url. but its not the layout correct layout type.
JoomSEF Is adding th ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Ok have went into joomsef manage ext > content > url settings and turned off show categories and sections so my urls use just the article alias for the url and page title. it works fine until you select any type of blog layout. If you select a blog category blog layout it will add a /blog at the end of the url. Everything works fine it uses the category alias as the url. but it adds the /blog at the end of it.

Example: (this is how it should look) (but it add this at the end)

under manage ext > content > url setting there is a option to set the default layout, the options are default and blog. and if you say never add layout it make s the blog page turn into a list layout and takes the /blog off the end. but then you dont have a blog layout.

here are the settings im using for the url settings

Show cat - no
show section - no
title url part - alias
cat url part - use global config
section url part - use global config
add layout - only when different
default layout - default

can someone help me take the /blog off the end of my urls.
JoomSEF Is adding th ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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