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Profile for tzvika770

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:39
  • Posts: 11
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thanks !!! it solved the problem for me... great!!!
ZOO frontpage apps w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I am using ZOO 2.5.19 with joomSEF 3.9.7 and Joomla 1.5.26

I created in my Zoo 2 apps. the first 1 is movie database app and the second is product catalog.

after creathing those 2 apps I created 2 menus. so each 1 of them will be linked to the frontpage items.

the problem is that after doing that, the link was the same for both on my apps.

for the first 1 I am using to upload videos and for the second for portfolio.

please help me and let me know how to fix that error.

I tried to delete all the urls, update, clean cache - EVERYTHING!!!!

I can't give you the link of the site since it won't help - I didn't publish that menu since it's not working yet.

thank you.
ZOO frontpage apps w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
thanks for the answer.

whay is the "testing condition" ?

could you please give me example?

301 Redirect is not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
why nobody from the support don't asnwer and fix that problem????
If you can not fix that please let me know but please give me an answer.

I can see that this problem is not only my problem and other users have this problem as well.
301 Redirect is not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
We are waiting a long long time for any kind of answer of the support but nobody answer!!!
We are very disappointed from your component since it's not doing what it supposes to do!!!
We are still having a major problem with the 301 redirect!!!

if you cannot give us any solution for our problem please send us our money back !!!!
We did not pay for unsuccessful component!!!

When we choose to use your component we read before about the 301 redirect issue and got answers that it will be good for us and make the 301 redirect with no problems!!!
Please give us an answer as soon as possible !!!
301 Redirect is not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
please HELP!!!
301 Redirect is not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Please give me an answer...
It's very urgent!
301 Redirect is not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
301 Redirect is not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
ok, thanks for the answer but how can I make the right redirect?
Please help me. I tried to read about it but I didn't found somthing that can help me.
Before I Install your component I use the old version of SH404SEF that made the old url with the question mark.
301 Redirect is not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
301 Redirect is not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I am trying to use the 301 redirects but I don't know why it is not working. I have tried everything I know.
This is what I tried:
1. from the manage 301 redirects menu, I set Moved from URL: index.php?/About-Us/General/ny-webmaster.html and Moved to URL: general/webmaster or /general/webmaster - didn't worked.

2. from manage sef urls - went to Aliases and set it to index.php?/About-Us/General/ny-webmaster.html - didn't worked.

3. from edit .htaccess - new - Redirect from: /index.php?/About-Us/General/ny-webmaster.html
Redirect to: /general/webmaster and tried also Redirect to: general/webmaster - didn't worked.

attach you can find my .htaccess file.
I have changed it to htaccess.txt so you can see it.

my joomla is 1.5.20
I am using 3.75

my site:

also, the 404 page is not working.

please help me asap - this is very urgent !!!

301 Redirect is not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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