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Profile for TRIBU

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:58
  • Posts: 5
  • Profile Views: 3145
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I have a site in joomla 3.10.11 where I have installed Virtuemart 4.0.6 and VMInvoice 3.1.19.
When I try to update the configuration I get errors like Deprecated almost everywhere: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/mainht/joomla/administrator/components/com_vminvoice3/libraries/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 16908
In some cases I can save in others from application error.
In the control panel it tells me that I have to update to the new 3.1.26 version, but if I go to the site I only find the version for joomla 3 and VM 3.11 or joomla 4 and VM 4.0.6. What should I do?
WMInvoice error with ...
Category: Feature Requests
how do I reset the numbering of the bill earlier this year? Example: 31 December 2016 I issued the invoice No 2016-1134 from 1 January 2017 I corrected the year, but can not find where to make the numbering so that colder again. Ie: 2017-1000, 2017-1001, etc.
Annual numbering inv ...
Category: VM Invoice
A quick answer would be welcome and important. Or tell us if we have to open a ticket. Is anyone there? :)
How to disable Virtu ...
Category: Feature Requests
we are trying to put the script to disable sending the bill to Virtuemart as explained in your FAQ, but what about the string to replace is hosted on 2 points of shopfunctionsf.php files Virtuemart 3 at line 540 and 553. Carry the script :
if (! $ usedefault and isset ($ vars [ 'newOrderData'] [ 'customer_notified']) and $ vars [ 'newOrderData'] [ 'customer_notified'] == 1) {
$ user = self :: sendVmMail ($ view, $ recipient, $ noVendorMail);
vmdebug ( 'renderMail by overwrite');
} else {
$ order status ForShopperEmail =
VmConfig :: get ( 'email_os_s', array ( 'U', 'C', 'S', 'R', 'X'));
if (! is_array ($ orderstatusForShopperEmail)) $ orderstatusForShopperEmail = array ($ orderstatusForShopperEmail);
if (in_array ((string) $ vars [ 'Order Details'] [ 'details'] [ 'BT'] -> ORDER_STATUS, $ orderstatusForShopperEmail)) {$ user = self :: sendVmMail ($ view, $ recipient, $ noVendorMail) ; vmdebug ( 'renderMail by default');
} else {$ user = -1;
} Else {
$ user = self :: sendVmMail ($ view, $ recipient, $ noVendorMail);

I explained where and how to insert your string? Thank you.
How to disable Virtu ...
Category: Feature Requests
Hi! i've bought VMInvoice but i can't register it, it tells me:

Your VM Invoice is not registered


It was not possible to check your registration information. The upgrade server may be temporarily down. Please, try again later.

I don't konw if the number in registration field is correct, because in my invoice the ID number is missing. I send a message from your home but nothing. Please aid me. The site is
Category: Customer Support
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